Crypto Content Goldmine: Strike Rich with Your Writing Skills!

Hey there, it’s Doug here! I’m super pumped to share my journey as a crypto content author and how I’m building a sweet little community for all of us cryptocurrency, metaverse and NFT authors to grow and make some passive dough, no matter how the markets are treating us. So, I’m whipping up this post to spill the beans on everything I’m up to.

🚀 Building Our Author Gang and Cooking Up Content

You wanna hop on this crypto writing wagon? Join our Discord community! You might just find a way to turn your crypto adventures into some extra cash.

OBS, YouTube, ChatGPT into a Blog Post

In this post I’ll give you a sneak peek into how I use OBS (Open Broadcast Software) for unlisted live streaming to record my technical analysis thoughts.

Once the livestream is done, YouTube’s got my back, giving me a transcript to process into an article with the help of ChatGPT.

🔧 Tech Tools for Taking Off The plan? Pump up my followers, because hey, more followers mean more cha-ching from different sources.

I use the transcripts from YouTube, polish them up with a little help from ChatGPT, and get them ready to hit the blog publishing scene.

💰 Publishing and Cashing In

I’m eyeing YouTube to start raking in some coins by building it into a paid channel. Plus, I’ve also become a partner at Medium and established another new income stream I did not have before. The payoff? It’s building on itself and very encouraging to see early results so quickly. I’ll be sharing all these refined strategies onto various platforms where I’ve already got my writer’s hat on.

🔗 Linking Up and Networking Smart

It’s all about making connections, you know? I’m linking back to my older articles, tossing in some links to my main site with those juicy keywords, and hope that my reveal posts like this are guiding you folks to other ways to fill YOUR pockets.

Join the movement of successful crypto authors. Learn, share, and earn with our proven content strategies and community support.

💸 Juggling Multiple Income Streams

Right now, I’m all about writing my thoughts and research results and publishing on Beehiiv, WordPress, LinkedIn, Medium, and YouTube viewership to keep the content flowing.

Plus, I’m nudging people towards referral programs that will help my audience, and where I get a cut of the ongoing fees. It’s all about spreading out and tapping into different money-makers.

🌟 Future Plans and Rallying the Community

I’ve been brainstorming with ChatGPT for more ways to bring in the bucks. Stay tuned for more details in my new book GPT MONEY and in my future posts, which I’ll be sharing in places like the Side Hustle Club to reel in an even wider audience.

Inside our Discord authors’ group, especially in our coffee room chats, I’m always gabbing about how this whole shebang works.

🤝 Mixing It Up With Fellow Authors

A big chunk of my game plan is to mingle with other authors who’re writing about all things crypto.

The aim? Get these smart cookies to join our Discord tribe and boost our collective smarts in the crypto author world.

📣 Calling All Crypto Enthusiasts and Wrapping Up

If you’re knee-deep in cryptocurrency and got something to say, hit up our “Write for Us” page. We’re all about practical, real-life crypto tales and lessons.

Step up your game with groundbreaking strategies for content creation and monetization. Get ready to be the next big name in crypto writing!

I’m creating a sustainable program that keeps on giving and making money, even when I’m chilling on a beach somewhere.

So, come on over, trade smart, and remember: keep those losses small, eh?




The information presented in this website is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments are inherently volatile and carry a high degree of risk. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, and there is no guarantee of success. This content has affiliate relationships with products, services, and strategies presented. Always conduct your own research, consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions, and prioritize your financial well-being over short-term gains.